Legal notices
1. Publisher Information
The publisher of the Site accessible at the url address is:
Simplified joint stock company carrying out a computer programming activity (APE code 6201Z)
Head office: 494 Rue Léon Blum – 34000 Montpellier
RCS Montpellier : 889 272 639 / Siret : 889 272 639 00028
Capital social : 46 604,60 €
Intracommunity VAT number: FR60 889 272 639
Telephone: +33 (0)4 83 43 29 44
Email :
The user hereby acknowledges and accepts that the website, previously associated with the brand “”, is now operated under the brand “Davensi”. Any reference to “” in future communications or materials to this update shall be construed as referring to “Davensi”. This brand transition does not affect the rights and obligations of existing or future users.
The publication director is Nicolas LEFORTIER, in his capacity as legal representative of Davensi.
Davensi’s main activity is the provision of all services on digital assets and in particular management under mandate, Dollar Cost Averaging, Launchpad, Staking and the operation of a digital asset trading platform, exchange digital assets against other digital assets, and the purchase or sale of digital assets in legal tender. The digital asset investment services offered on the Davensi platform are developed and updated by the company Algo Alto which is the majority shareholder of the Davensi company.
Davensi also aims to develop and manage any system, software, technical solution, website, platform relating in particular, directly or indirectly, to the activities of providing services on digital assets.
In this context, it exercises, in particular through the Site, an activity as a provider of digital services and assets (PSAN). Indeed, Davensi’s activity concerns, among other things, the operation of a platform for the exchange of digital assets against other digital assets, which corresponds to service no. 4 referred to in article L. 54- 10-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code (“operation of a digital asset trading platform”), and subjects Davensi to the status of digital asset service provider (“PSAN”) introduced by the PACTE law n°2019- 486 of May 22, 2019. As such, Davensi is registered as a PSAN in France with the Financial Markets Authority (AMF), under number E2023-063.
2. Information relating to the host
The service provider ensuring direct and permanent storage (hosting service provider) is:
Name / Name / Company name: Amazon Web Services
Adresse : 410 Terry Avenue North PO Box 81226 Seattle, WA 98108-1226 - USA
Site internet:
Date of last update : December 03, 2024