Refining the Davensi Experience: An Update on Our Transition

Refining the Davensi Experience: An Update on Our Transition

Dear Community,

We hope you’ve had a great summer break and, like us, you are full of positive energy and in the good mindset to kick off this back to school season! 

For Davensi team, as you would expect, it's been a busy summer, and we are coming back to you with fresh news since our last update from July. 


The winding down of Binance Cloud has accelerated our plans, pushing us to transition LordToken swiftly to our Davensi Platform; with the ambition still firmly rooted of offering more than just a centralized exchange, but encapsulating a broader vision of a crypto-banking ecosystem, providing our valued users with top-tier financial products and services.

Our team has been hard at work to get the LordToken exchange and DV-Invest integrated into the Davensi Platform by the end of September. However, in our commitment to excellence, we are convinced that there's room to enhance our platform even further to meet the high standards both we and you expect.

With that in mind, we're giving ourselves an additional three months. This isn't just about delay—it's about making sure that when the Davensi Platform goes live, it truly offers a premium experience.

Quickly, regarding LordToken Exchange:

  • Until September 6th: Both trading and withdrawals are available.
  • From September 7th to 22nd: Trading stops, but withdrawals continue.
  • On September 23rd: Please ensure you've transferred your assets as the platform will transition.

⚠️  If you currently have assets within your LordToken exchange account, we urgently request you to initiate a withdrawal of these assets toward a personal wallet that you solely control, such as Metamask or Trustwallet. A tutorial is available for you here to retrieve any asset to your personal Metamask or Trust Wallet. 

For assistance, email us at

LordToken exchange migration stays on course 



Update of the Davensi roadmap Q4 2023 - Q2 2024

Davensi's roadmap(1)

Thank you for your understanding and continued trust. We're excited about the next chapter and can't wait to share it with you.


Best regards,

The Davensi Team

Davensi | Aug 24, 2023